Thoughts and musings from keynote speaker and high performance coach Ari Gunzburg.

Ari Gunzburg

I don’t fit into just one box. Do you? If you HAVE to put me into one box, put me into the “motivational speaker” box. Everything else I do stems from that. I am pursuing my dream to build a greater sense of belonging as a keynote speaker. I wrote a book and work with people to do just that. When those around me tell me it can’t be done, I remind myself that visionaries are told this until the moment they actualize their dream and change the world.

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Posts by Ari Gunzburg:

Did you know you have the power to heal yourself? I’ve been listening to a lot of interviews that feature Dr Joe Dispenza where he talks about the ability of the body to heal itself. Absolutely mind opening, mind boggling stuff. Stories of people using meditation and assisted body energy to transform themselves from the […]

YOU have the power to change. In the midst of the different difficulties we face in life, it can get easy to forget that. In the inertia of what we are already doing, we can lose sight of our great power of change.

I was ready to throw up. I went yesterday for a further training for scuba diving. It’s called Advanced Open Water, it’s continuing to build on skills on the way to becoming a dive professional. I’m working to get a certification level to be able to take people scuba diving as part of my coaching […]

May the Fourth be with you!! Thanks Azi Rosenblum ☁ for the subtle reminder that today is a special day. Well, at least for Star Wars fans Remember to do what you can to channel the light side of the force. Most of life is not so black and white; there can be doubt if you are […]

“My son just died, I need HELP!” I stood at FedEx Office yesterday, printing a few documents. Behind me an elderly woman (90!) was trying to print out some documents. Another lady was there with her, but she was also older, probably in her 60’s, maybe 70’s. To help her. The gentleman from the store was trying […]