Thoughts and musings from keynote speaker and high performance coach Ari Gunzburg.

Ari Gunzburg

I don’t fit into just one box. Do you? If you HAVE to put me into one box, put me into the “motivational speaker” box. Everything else I do stems from that. I am pursuing my dream to build a greater sense of belonging as a keynote speaker. I wrote a book and work with people to do just that. When those around me tell me it can’t be done, I remind myself that visionaries are told this until the moment they actualize their dream and change the world.

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Posts by Ari Gunzburg:

What can you do to make someone feel AMAZING? It doesn’t take long. It can be as simple as writing something like “The Dynamic” when sending a letter. (WOW!!! Did this make me feel good when I got it!!!)

I am not okay. We are heading to Cleveland soon. The shloshim (30 days after passing) is coming up for the terrible tragedy that occurred in January. Where a close friend, one I regarded almost as a brother, took his one last flight. I’m still reeling in shock. Not a day goes by that I […]

I dropped out of school. Twice. The first time was in 7th grade. We had been through hell & more. Our 4th grade Judaic studies teacher passed away while we were on a field trip. For both 5th and 6th, the school gave us brand new inexperienced teachers for Judaic studies. “These kids are already […]

Ever feel like a failure? Feeling like a failure, or dealing with a moment that, in some ways, IS a failure, is a normal part of the human experience. It’s what we do with that failure, with those feelings, that matters. Do you give up? Throw your hands in the air and chuck it all […]

Missing my flight would have been worth it. Yesterday I had a speech in Tampa, which I went to from Orlando. I then returned to Orlando for parent teacher conferences. It was great to hear my kids are doing well!! And yes, I told my kids that. Then, with a flight at 9pm to Dallas, […]