Thoughts and musings from keynote speaker and high performance coach Ari Gunzburg.

I don’t fit into just one box. Do you? If you HAVE to put me into one box, put me into the “motivational speaker” box. Everything else I do stems from that. I am pursuing my dream to build a greater sense of belonging as a keynote speaker. I wrote a book and work with people to do just that. When those around me tell me it can’t be done, I remind myself that visionaries are told this until the moment they actualize their dream and change the world.

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Posts by Ari Gunzburg:

RELAX!!! We all have stressful situations in life. It is important to learn how to cope with these stress filled moments. When you feel this stress blowing up, take a few minutes to relax and breathe deeply. You can also try going for a walk or listening to music. Exercise is another great method for […]

You have within you the power to shine, no matter what’s happening around you… Even if it feels like there’s nothing good going on in the world, you can choose to remember that there must be good, even if you can’t see it yet.

IT WAS TERRIBLE!!!! WORST. CUSTOMER. SERVICE. EVER. This can be a constant refrain for some of us. When we walk around seeing the negative in things, we are training ourselves to see the bad in the world around us.

How willing are you to grow? Growth happens at the edge of our comfort zone. Get into a situation that is a little too difficult, a little too uncomfortable. Persevere. Make it happen. And voila, growth. You find you have the inner strength for so much more. You learn that you have what it takes […]

As I sat there on the plane, I knew that I had to write. I had to get something out. So I pulled out my laptop and started writing. I didn’t know that it would be months before I would continue with the writing project. 2 months after that trip, COVID hit.