Thoughts and musings from keynote speaker and high performance coach Ari Gunzburg.

I don’t fit into just one box. Do you? If you HAVE to put me into one box, put me into the “motivational speaker” box. Everything else I do stems from that. I am pursuing my dream to build a greater sense of belonging as a keynote speaker. I wrote a book and work with people to do just that. When those around me tell me it can’t be done, I remind myself that visionaries are told this until the moment they actualize their dream and change the world.

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Posts by Ari Gunzburg:

I am scared. I am scared of the way people are treating each other. I am scared of the leaders pointing the blame at others. I am scared of toilet paper (why is it missing?!). I am scared of the selfishness. I am scared of the suspicion. I am scared of the lack of leadership. […]

Do you know who is most likely to die in a disaster? In an emergency? It is often the people who are PANICKING. The people who are FREAKING OUT and unable to remain CALM.

Wow. That is all I can really say. Wow. Last night I had the opportunity to speak at a prison. It isn’t the first time I have spoken in jails and correctional facilities, but after this experience, I thought I would write about it. It was a double header, giving two motivational speeches to two […]

A few atoms of hydrogen and oxygen join together to create one molecule of water. A number of water molecules join together to make one drop of water. Water drops join together in a cloud to make a rain cloud. Rain clouds join together to create a rain storm. Rain drops from a rain storm […]

I was driving through my neighborhood a while ago and I saw something. I saw a man standing on the side of the road. He was dirty, disheveled. He had a large backpack nearby, and looked as though he lived out of the backpack (as in a camping backpack). His clothing looked like hippie clothing. […]