Thoughts and musings from keynote speaker and high performance coach Ari Gunzburg.

Be Open to Giving

“My son just died, I need HELP!”

I stood at FedEx Office yesterday, printing a few documents.

Behind me an elderly woman (90!) was trying to print out some documents.

Another lady was there with her, but she was also older, probably in her 60’s, maybe 70’s. To help her.

The gentleman from the store was trying to help, but I think they are somewhat restricted in what they can do.


As I saw that he wasn’t helping and they still need help to find the documents on the computer, I asked if it was okay for me to help, to work on the computer.

Only a few minutes later, I found the email with the documents (cremation certificate, death certificate, other legal documents).

I sent the docs to the printer for them, and the man from the store then took over to help print the documents (once the documents were in the system, he helped with the self-serve machine, even though I think he wasn’t supposed to – so kudos to him).

The elderly lady was so grateful! She offered to pay me $20, which I politely declined.

I told her that it was my pleasure to help out, and that I offer my deepest condolences.

Unfortunately, her husband died on Memorial Day 2022, and now her son died (he was 65).

She is going through a hard time.

She just needed a little bit of help, some compassion.

And I was able to help out in some small way.

It took only moments of my time, but it helped her immeasurable.


When we want to give (Give is the 1st key) to others, we don’t always need to do something that is very complex or takes a long time.

Sometimes we just need to be open to giving and in the right place at the right time.

As she was walking out of the store, I was also able to give her my full attention with a listening ear, to hear what she was going through and to offer my support.

Giving helps others but also helps ourselves, which is why it is the 1st key of the 5 Keys To Greatness.

The more you can channel giving into your life, the better you will be and feel.

Now go and have an awesome weekend with the ones you love!!!

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