Thoughts and musings from keynote speaker and high performance coach Ari Gunzburg.

Posts in "Change" category

Embrace change alongside a dynamic speaker and coach who’s got your back. Whether you’re an entrepreneur diving into new waters or an executive steering a shifting landscape, our practical guidance strips away the jargon, helping you navigate change with confidence. Say goodbye to fluff, and get ready to harness change as a stepping stone to success.

Sometimes you have to take that LEAP!!!! In business (and in life) we want to be sure. As in positive. Absolutely certain that something is the right choice. But sometimes we take this a step too far.

Did you know you have the power to heal yourself? I’ve been listening to a lot of interviews that feature Dr Joe Dispenza where he talks about the ability of the body to heal itself. Absolutely mind opening, mind boggling stuff. Stories of people using meditation and assisted body energy to transform themselves from the […]

YOU have the power to change. In the midst of the different difficulties we face in life, it can get easy to forget that. In the inertia of what we are already doing, we can lose sight of our great power of change.

May the Fourth be with you!! Thanks Azi Rosenblum ☁ for the subtle reminder that today is a special day. Well, at least for Star Wars fans Remember to do what you can to channel the light side of the force. Most of life is not so black and white; there can be doubt if you are […]

Things get easier. And faster. And that’s not always a good thing. As time goes on technology makes things easier. And faster. Years ago when I first started working in Photoshop, making an image like this would take hours and a tremendous amount of expertise.