Thoughts and musings from keynote speaker and high performance coach Ari Gunzburg.

Posts in "Inspirational Speaker" category

Energize your potential with our inspirational speaker’s practical wisdom, fueling high performance across business, leadership, and personal growth. Discover engaging keynotes and coaching that cut through the noise, empowering entrepreneurs, executives, and individuals alike to conquer obstacles and realize their aspirations. Embark on a journey of empowerment, crafting your success story with insights that resonate and inspire.

What can you do to make someone feel AMAZING? It doesn’t take long. It can be as simple as writing something like “The Dynamic” when sending a letter. (WOW!!! Did this make me feel good when I got it!!!)

Ever feel like a failure? Feeling like a failure, or dealing with a moment that, in some ways, IS a failure, is a normal part of the human experience. It’s what we do with that failure, with those feelings, that matters. Do you give up? Throw your hands in the air and chuck it all […]

We are humans. We live, and learn, and make mistakes, and learn again. The thought that all of a sudden, we can jump into a whole new being, into a whole new person, contradicts this fact of our human existence. New year, new moment to work towards becoming better? Absolutely.

We are in the midst of [trying] to buy a house. It’s a crazy market to buy a house in. And there are certain roadblocks we are trying to overcome as well. If you’ve ever purchased a house, you know that there are many, many calls you have to make, sometimes incredibly awkward.

Imagine an hour where the only thing that it makes sense to do is to be in the moment. Imagine a moment where the only thing you can do is be present. Where thinking about ANYTHING other than what is right in front of you would be almost sacrilege.