Thoughts and musings from keynote speaker and high performance coach Ari Gunzburg.

Posts in "Motivational Speaker" category

Unlock your full potential with insights from our dynamic motivational speaker, guiding you towards high performance and success. Whether you’re an aspiring entrepreneur, a seasoned executive, or simply seeking personal growth, our impactful keynote sessions and coaching will empower you to overcome challenges and achieve your goals. Join us on a transformative journey towards excellence and unlock the path to your best self.

Sometimes you have to take that LEAP!!!! In business (and in life) we want to be sure. As in positive. Absolutely certain that something is the right choice. But sometimes we take this a step too far.

YOU have the power to change. In the midst of the different difficulties we face in life, it can get easy to forget that. In the inertia of what we are already doing, we can lose sight of our great power of change.

I was ready to throw up. I went yesterday for a further training for scuba diving. It’s called Advanced Open Water, it’s continuing to build on skills on the way to becoming a dive professional. I’m working to get a certification level to be able to take people scuba diving as part of my coaching […]

Ever feel like a failure? Feeling like a failure, or dealing with a moment that, in some ways, IS a failure, is a normal part of the human experience. It’s what we do with that failure, with those feelings, that matters. Do you give up? Throw your hands in the air and chuck it all […]

You’re capable of so much more than you think. Are your expectations of what you can do LIMITING you? Last night my daughter and I were in the pool, swimming underwater. We started talking about how long we can hold our breath. Now, I’ve been practicing holding my breath, and the last time I tested […]