Thoughts and musings from keynote speaker and high performance coach Ari Gunzburg.

Experiencing Failure

Ever feel like a failure?

Feeling like a failure, or dealing with a moment that, in some ways, IS a failure, is a normal part of the human experience.

It’s what we do with that failure, with those feelings, that matters.

Do you give up?

Throw your hands in the air and chuck it all away?

Or do you keep striving toward a better tomorrow?

When you can find within yourself the strength to keep moving forward, everything changes.

Failure goes from being a terrible moment, to being a moment of growth.

Disaster goes from being too hard to build back from, to being one small stepping stone on your way to bigger and better things.

The question is, in the midst of that challenge, in the midst of that failure, how do you find the strength to keep on going?

I believe the answer is almost always HOPE.

When you have hope, you have everything.

Hope that the challenge will be over soon.

Hope that the failure won’t last forever.

Hope that things will get better.

And that makes all the difference.

So give yourself hope in those dark moments.

Give yourself the belief that you are growing.

And use this exercise to give this hope to others as well:

Think back to a moment when you were having a difficult moment, or experiencing failure.

What’s one thing that you in the present would say to you in the past?

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