Thoughts and musings from keynote speaker and high performance coach Ari Gunzburg.

Finding the right Tool

Things get easier. And faster. And that’s not always a good thing.

As time goes on technology makes things easier. And faster.

Years ago when I first started working in Photoshop, making an image like this would take hours and a tremendous amount of expertise.

Recently I messed around with this photo in the #lensaapp by Prisma Labs, Inc. and came up with this result in minutes. Minutes!!

The right tools can make your life easier and faster.

The wrong tools can make your life feel like it’s easier and faster, but really pull you away more and more.

Even the right tool used in the wrong way can be problematic.

In this case, I’m really shocked and awed by how easy this was and how professional the result is.

This is a good example of an amazing tool.

But there are tools that become major time wasters, making us lose time when we think we’re saving time.

And I think that’s one of the worst things of all.

It is hard to unlock our own greatness when we lose time in apps and tools that we think are making our lives easier.

So if you notice tools that are making you less productive, instead of helping you, maybe it’s a good time for a delete.

It could be a good tool that isn’t productive for you.

No judgements. The important thing is that you become the best you possible. That’s it!!

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