Thoughts and musings from keynote speaker and high performance coach Ari Gunzburg.

We are humans. We live, and learn, and make mistakes, and learn again. The thought that all of a sudden, we can jump into a whole new being, into a whole new person, contradicts this fact of our human existence. New year, new moment to work towards becoming better? Absolutely.

When you come across someone in your life, and think to yourself, he/she is a real gem, a real diamond in the rough! How do you think those cherished qualities are forged? If you think that people who shock and awe us with their ability to do are born like that…. Maybe you are missing […]

Why would I go roller blading at night when it’s difficult to see? Last night I went out and did a few miles on the roller blades. I had been meaning to get out all day but it just didn’t happen. Later afternoon when I thought i I would have time duty called; I had […]

We are in the midst of [trying] to buy a house. It’s a crazy market to buy a house in. And there are certain roadblocks we are trying to overcome as well. If you’ve ever purchased a house, you know that there are many, many calls you have to make, sometimes incredibly awkward.

Imagine an hour where the only thing that it makes sense to do is to be in the moment. Imagine a moment where the only thing you can do is be present. Where thinking about ANYTHING other than what is right in front of you would be almost sacrilege.

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by Ari Gunzburg

Ari Gunzburg is a guide to your unknown, helping you to discover how to achieve the things that don’t seem possible today. As a high performance and mindset coach, Ari helps you to break through your self-imposed limitations (if you don’t recognize any, you may still be unable to see them, as we all have them). Many qualify for a free strategy call, reach out to inquire. High Performance Coach. Unlock Your Greatness Keynote Speaker. Wilderness Liaison. Award Winning Writer.


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