Thoughts and musings from keynote speaker and high performance coach Ari Gunzburg.

Posts in tag: death

“My son just died, I need HELP!” I stood at FedEx Office yesterday, printing a few documents. Behind me an elderly woman (90!) was trying to print out some documents. Another lady was there with her, but she was also older, probably in her 60’s, maybe 70’s. To help her. The gentleman from the store was trying […]

I am not okay. We are heading to Cleveland soon. The shloshim (30 days after passing) is coming up for the terrible tragedy that occurred in January. Where a close friend, one I regarded almost as a brother, took his one last flight. I’m still reeling in shock. Not a day goes by that I […]

Another one bites the dust….another one bites the dust….and another one down, and another one down, another one bites the dust. Queen’s song lyrics can apply to many situations. But here I’m referencing death.   The Phone Call I just got a phone call from one of my old friends. Turns out another person I […]