Thoughts and musings from keynote speaker and high performance coach Ari Gunzburg.

Posts in tag: gratitude

“Skin growth…. Looks irregular….” As I walked into the doctor’s office, I was dreading hearing things like “biopsy” or anything to suggest it might be serious. But still, we have to take care of ourselves. Make sure to get the healing that we need to function, if we need it.

“My son just died, I need HELP!” I stood at FedEx Office yesterday, printing a few documents. Behind me an elderly woman (90!) was trying to print out some documents. Another lady was there with her, but she was also older, probably in her 60’s, maybe 70’s. To help her. The gentleman from the store was trying […]

Missing my flight would have been worth it. Yesterday I had a speech in Tampa, which I went to from Orlando. I then returned to Orlando for parent teacher conferences. It was great to hear my kids are doing well!! And yes, I told my kids that. Then, with a flight at 9pm to Dallas, […]

We are humans. We live, and learn, and make mistakes, and learn again. The thought that all of a sudden, we can jump into a whole new being, into a whole new person, contradicts this fact of our human existence. New year, new moment to work towards becoming better? Absolutely.

We are in the midst of [trying] to buy a house. It’s a crazy market to buy a house in. And there are certain roadblocks we are trying to overcome as well. If you’ve ever purchased a house, you know that there are many, many calls you have to make, sometimes incredibly awkward.