Thoughts and musings from keynote speaker and high performance coach Ari Gunzburg.

Posts in tag: gratitude

IT WAS TERRIBLE!!!! WORST. CUSTOMER. SERVICE. EVER. This can be a constant refrain for some of us. When we walk around seeing the negative in things, we are training ourselves to see the bad in the world around us.

Wow. That is all I can really say. Wow. Last night I had the opportunity to speak at a prison. It isn’t the first time I have spoken in jails and correctional facilities, but after this experience, I thought I would write about it. It was a double header, giving two motivational speeches to two […]

Recently I was at a contest for Toastmasters International in my home district, District 10. After the contest, the contest chair brings up all of the contestants and conducts contestant interviews.

Okay, it is now time for some blunt, in-your-face honesty. Honesty with myself professed to the world. This is simply too serendipitous to allow it to go unnoticed by people other than myself, so let’s talk about when MY own words came back to haunt me as a quick motivation.

I wanted to share something with you all today that is focused on gifts, nature and gratitude.