Thoughts and musings from keynote speaker and high performance coach Ari Gunzburg.

Posts in tag: lesson

Worry not about what others are doing. You do you. That’s the only way you can determine whether you’re doing well. Focus on what is possible for you. Make sure you are measuring yourself against yourself.

I almost drowned yesterday. It was the last exercise for my class to become a certified PADI Rescue Diver. The exercise is “panicked diver at the surface.”

On our way out of the park last night, where we saw the manatees, the gentle giants, we had a nice little surprise. We looked up and saw a trail of smoke and what looked like maybe it was a rocket launch….

We are in the midst of [trying] to buy a house. It’s a crazy market to buy a house in. And there are certain roadblocks we are trying to overcome as well. If you’ve ever purchased a house, you know that there are many, many calls you have to make, sometimes incredibly awkward.