Thoughts and musings from keynote speaker and high performance coach Ari Gunzburg.

Posts in tag: motivation

Sometimes you have to take that LEAP!!!! In business (and in life) we want to be sure. As in positive. Absolutely certain that something is the right choice. But sometimes we take this a step too far.

Ever feel like a failure? Feeling like a failure, or dealing with a moment that, in some ways, IS a failure, is a normal part of the human experience. It’s what we do with that failure, with those feelings, that matters. Do you give up? Throw your hands in the air and chuck it all […]

You’re capable of so much more than you think. Are your expectations of what you can do LIMITING you? Last night my daughter and I were in the pool, swimming underwater. We started talking about how long we can hold our breath. Now, I’ve been practicing holding my breath, and the last time I tested […]

On our way out of the park last night, where we saw the manatees, the gentle giants, we had a nice little surprise. We looked up and saw a trail of smoke and what looked like maybe it was a rocket launch….

Why would I go roller blading at night when it’s difficult to see? Last night I went out and did a few miles on the roller blades. I had been meaning to get out all day but it just didn’t happen. Later afternoon when I thought i I would have time duty called; I had […]